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         A year from now, I will be preparing to spend the next four years at the college of my dreams. If my future school offers any sort of photography class, you can guarantee that I will be in it. My chosen (for now) career path as a doctor has absolutely nothing to do with photography, but in the future I hope to continue to photography as a hobby.

         One of my favorite projects from this year is the studio shoot. In the classroom, we set up a set and were able to photograph models similar to professional photographers. One of my big inspirations for this project was Richard Avedon. I love his fashion and portrait shoots, and was interested in how well he was able to interact with his models. His works inspired me to do a fashion shoot revolving around a fur coat for the project.

        This site exemplifies my growth as an artist over the last year. Featured are some of my best works created within my photography class. Coming in, I knew close to nothing about photography, but I leave the class with a vast knowledge of design elements, composition, and photography tools.

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